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What is Witchcraft, really?

It’s not like the movies, it’s not evil or scary, it’s not an exclusive club. So, what is witchcraft, really? What does it actually look like in practice, and who practices it? This post is all about demystifying the stigma around magical practices and shedding light on what really goes on in a witch’s life.

It’s Not Like the Movies

When people think of witchcraft, they often picture cloaked figures chanting in a dark room, curses and hexes, jars full of eyeballs and brains – all the stuff movies and books have depicted it to be. Thing is, it’s not even close to the truth. Witchcraft is often very simple, subtle, and positive. Most witches don’t even practice dark magic, or magic that causes negative effects.

In fact, witchcraft isn’t even about getting instant results. You can’t snap your fingers and conjure a million dollars or do a spell and make your cat talk. Most spells and rituals take patience, practice, and manifestation to see results.

Modern day witchcraft has completely transformed those old clichés and replaced them with progressive, positive, and unique ways to practice the craft, and it’s so exciting! The world of witchcraft is changing fast and (in my opinion) for the better. It’s more inclusive, creative, and available than it’s ever been – and getting to watch this shift in energy is beautiful and inspiring.

It’s a Never-Ending Journey

It’s hard to believe that witchcraft is a constant journey full of failure and mistakes when all you see online is witches that seem to have it all figured out. I remember being a clueless baby witch that would spend hours reading articles from established witches, trying to figure out how in the world they got to the place they were at.

How do they know so much? Where do you even start?

There is no perfect answer, but in my experience, you have to treat witchcraft like a journey. It’s not about getting to where someone else is or trying to perfect every part of your craft (although if you’re passionate about it, of course go for it).

It’s about bonding with the universe, taking time to find yourself through your craft, listening to your intuition, and understanding that everything will come to you when you are ready.

If you’re not a patient person, practicing magic will certainly make you one. Witchcraft is largely based on growth, learning, failing, and trying again. Just like when you were a child in school, you will get confused and frustrated, overwhelmed and lost. And then you will try again, learn, and keep going. Let the universe be your guide and she will reward you. Follow the path you are drawn to and don’t be afraid to explore.

It’s All About Intent and Energy

Chances are if you’ve done any research in the magical realm, you’ve heard a lot about energy. Your energy, a room’s energy, crystal energy – we’ve all got it, but what is it?

Simply put, energy is the power or essence of a person or object. It’s what our “sixth sense” picks up on. It’s immeasurable and fluid and each person will interpret it in a unique way.

For example, if you pick up a flower, the emotion that flower gives you will be different than the emotions that a rock would give you. Similarly, in people we often use aura colors to describe the energy of a person. If someone has a purple aura, they may be more rebellious or serious than someone with a yellow aura (aura colors are interpreted differently by everyone, this is just an example).

How we use our energy is what I call intent. Intention is an incredibly important part of witchcraft because it directs our energy where it needs to go.

When I first began practicing spells and rituals, I didn’t think much about my intentions. I would complete a spell the way I thought it should be done, and then hope for results. Sometimes I would even doubt that the spell would work. What I didn’t realize is that by doubting my spells, and not directing my mental energy into them, I was sabotaging myself.

I got so frustrated with my lack of progress that I finally sat down and researched what on earth I was doing wrong. I retraced my steps to the very beginning of my witchcraft journey and realized that I had never practiced intention. I had never truly taken a moment to ground, collect my energy, and pour it into my craft. I was only going through the motions without putting my power into it.

 To change that, I had to start at square one. I had to meditate and listen to my intuition. I had to really sit with myself and understand my own energy. Only when I took the time to tap into my own power was I able to produce successful results. Now, I practically breathe intention! It’s my favorite part of witchcraft and my favorite thing to teach baby witches. If you’d like to learn more about establishing your intention and finding your magic, check out this post!

Witchcraft Doesn’t Favor Anyone

Lately I’ve seen a lot of talk about the “types” of witches (like the kitchen witch, hedge witch, eclectic witch, etc.), and I totally get it! Many beginners find solace in finding a category they feel they belong in. I remember taking every quiz I could find that would tell me all about what I thought I was.

While it’s completely okay to identify as a certain type of witch, you should never feel like you need to fit into a category. If you fit into multiple, that’s great. If you don’t fit into any, you do you. The important thing to remember is that you were made the way you are for a reason, and you don’t need to change yourself to be accepted into the world of witchcraft (unless you’re a bigot or a meanie).

I also see a lot of “witch aesthetic” posts floating around Pinterest and Tumblr – those ones with pretty girls in flower crowns, altars covered with crystals and herbs, or a grimoire filled to the brim with beautiful handwriting and perfect drawings. And while I do love getting inspiration from them, it’s also impractical to think we could all be like that!

I know how tempting it is to go out and buy those giant rose quartz towers and cute little cauldrons for your altar, and if it tickles your witchy soul, do it! But if you’re tight on a budget, don’t have access to tools, or are stuck in the broom-closet and can’t display your supplies, no worries! Witchcraft on a budget is just as effective.

Witchcraft has never been about picture-perfect altars and cute gothic outfits. It’s not about appearance or status. It’s not even about spells and rituals. It’s about connecting with spirit, the earth, and your own soul - however you see fit.

Every Witch’s Journey is Unique and Personal

The final thing I want to leave with you is that every witch’s journey is unique to them, and yours will be too. Each of us will begin our journey at different times in our lives, we’re all drawn to different parts of the craft, and we all serve a unique purpose in this world.

The coolest part of witchcraft (to me, at least) is the accepting community and the freedom of expression that comes with it. If you’re like me and live in an area that’s not so kind to pagans and witches, you can find loving, accepting groups of people on social media or blogs like this one to be yourself with. Even I, a solitary witch, need that connection to stay energized and inspired to continue my craft.

Basically, witchcraft is whatever you need it to be. It’s a way to express yourself, find your purpose, experience growth and establish confidence. It’s all about harnessing the power of your mind and soul and connecting with the world around you. How you do that is up to you.