Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions

By visiting www.thealmostwitch.com, you are consenting to these terms and conditions. Please read before making your purchase. These terms are subject to change.


The Almost Witch offers products and services for sale on this site using SquareSpace. To avoid learning your credit card information, I’ve partnered with Stripe and PayPal to securely process payment. As such, I never learn or store your credit card information. They share your name, mailing and billing address, and email address, as well as your birthday if applicable.


This site allows users to comment and leave reviews. The Almost Witch welcomes sharing knowledge and resources for healing the mind, body and spirit, what products you are interested in seeing, respect, understanding, and community.

We do not allow bullying, rudeness, or attempts to sell your products or services. These unacceptable comments will be removed.

Intellectual Property

This site contains intellectual property owned by Sadie Spafford, including trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. However, I DO want you to share this content should you find something shareworthy. 


  • Share a link to the blog post, listing, or webpage

  • Use no more than one of my pictures with credit to Sadie Spafford or The Almost Witch

  • Caption with no more than two sentences copied from the post or better yet, write a description or summary in your own words.

  • Credit The Almost Witch by tagging me in your caption where applicable.

If you want to share more than this, contact me with a detailed description of what your plan is. Sending me a request does not equate permission. Wait for my response before sharing more than I have listed above.